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In the News...
Articles and Information
Alphabet and Numbers
A set of letters and numbers that you can print on your printer. They
are outlined only, ready for coloring for the kids!
More ?/font>
Jeremy Scott AdidasJuicy Couture Tracksuit
Family history of seasonal allergies?
friend's pediatrician advised her not to give her daughter eggs until
she was a year old, and peanuts until she was at least three due to a
family history of seasonal allergies. Is this sound advice or is he
being overly cautious?
Get the
answer from Pediatric Nutrition expert William Klish, M.D.. ?/font>
Second Trimester Doctor Visits
Be prepared for your second-trimester doctor visits with our guide to
the tests and procedures you'll be undergoing..
More ?/font>
Pregnancy Journals
The ladies are quite busy
journaling. Drop by and see what they are up to!
Pregnancy Journals
Drop by and enter for a chance to win great prizes!
-Please do not send studio or professional shots in for our photo
contests. They will not be used.
-If you have an great Toddler photo, be sure to enter it in our photo
-Be sure to read the submission rules and guidelines for each contest
you enter. Links for the following can be found on the main contest
page. We have been receiving quite a few portrait photos, please
remember that this contest is for photos that you take, not professional
shots. Thank you.
-The baby contest is so popular that it could be a while before your
photo appears once you send it in. Please be patient, you will be sent
an email when your photo appears.
-Please visit a sponsor or two when you pop by, they are listed on the
main contests page as well. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't be able
to offer such a broad range of fabulous prizes!
-To sponsor a contest, visit our main contest page near the bottom.
Clay Pot
This little turkey is quite simple to make. The cost is minimal and he
makes a great table decoration or hostess gift for Thanksgiving dinner!
Image and Directions ?/font>
December Holidays
We are gearing up for the holidays! Send in your favorite crafts,
recipes, traditions and anything else relating to the December Holiday
season. Christmas, Hanukkah or Kwanzaa, we'd love to share!
I've been very blessed. My parents
always told me I could be anything I wanted. When you grow up in a
household like that, you learn to believe in yourself.
?Rick Schroeder
more quotes
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