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March 11, 2025

Helping Your Toddler at Hair Cut Time

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You are barely two feet tall and you see this tall stranger coming at your head with a pair of ominous looking, shiny, pointy things and he says, "Don't worry, this won't hurt, just stay still." Yeah, right!

A trip to the barber or hairdresser can be quite traumatic for a toddler. Here are some tips that can help you ease your child into it and hopefully make subsequent visits go a whole lot easier.

  • Call different hairdressers and find one with experience cutting children’s hair. Try to avoid new hairdressers. Although the end cut may look good, they tend to take more time getting there. An experienced hairdresser will get the same job done in less time.

  • Go with washed hair. It's easier for your child to be able to just hop up in the chair and get going. They can always use a spritz bottle to dampen the hair.

  • Let your child know that the hair will grow back and that cutting hair doesn't hurt. Snip a piece of your own hair to prove it.

  • Make appointments when your child is most likely to be fed, awake and happy. A tired, hungry child is less likely to sit still.

  • Encourage your child to watch someone else getting their haircut first. Go a few minutes early to the appointment so they can look around a get a little more comfortable with the surroundings.

  • Make it a part of a fun day. Go out for lunch, a haircut and then to a movie or the park.

  • Positive reinforcement. This is my favorite one. "What a big girl!" and "You are such a good boy!" will work wonders. It makes them feel grown up and they tend to concentrate on how well things are going.

  • Hairclipper Sets. After many trips to the hairdresser, I finally chose this route. Even though my children sat well and didn't move or cry at the hairdressers, this way ended up being more fun. My son was quite easy to do as we chose a short boy's haircut, and my daughter just gets a trim, so I can handle that. These can save you money in the long run and you can get your child to help set up for the haircut at home. If you have a sewing machine, you can even have your child go to the fabric store with you and pick out a special fabric to make a cape.

Have fun! Hope some, or all, of these tips help you and your child.

Questions & Answers by Mandy

Mandy is a licensed Cosmetologist that spent 4 yrs managing a "For Kids only salon". She is also the owner of The Parent Packs and an Independent Consultant of Big Yellow Box by Crayola™.

Q: I have a 22 month baby girl, and she has curly hair. The last time I cut her hair she was 10 months, but now it is a very difficult for me to comb her and looks curly, but a little dry. Do you suggest a short cut , please I don't know what to do?

A: A shorter cut is up to you, yes it would make it a little easier but only if you cut it pretty short. Your best option would be to have some layers put into her hair and to use a detangling spray (No more tangles is my fave, or you can make your own by adding about a nickel sized amount of leave-in conditioner with 4 oz of water.. make sure you shake it before each use!) You can use the detangling spray on DRY hair or wet hair. The detangling spray will help some with the dryness. If the ends of her hair are fuzzy looking it's probably just the remainder of the baby hair growing out and once you trim those ends off it should look better.

Q: I have an almost 3 yr old whose hair I have never cut. It is almost to her bottom now. I am contemplating trimming it, but I don't want to lose the gorgeous curls in her hair. Several people have said to make sure that I only trim it a tiny bit at a time so I don't lose the curls. If I trim it more than an inch at a time the curls will be gone forever. Do you know if this is true?

A: Hair grows from the top down...by cutting an inch or two off the bottom it will not pull the curl out IF the hair above where your cutting is curly. If the curls are at the bottom of the hair only, then yes you will cut the curl out.

Haircutting Kits and Clipper Sets
Conair Haircut Kit with Case, 20 Piece Set
Wahl Clipper 9243-004 20-Piece Haircutting Kit with Video
HoMedics PC-400 Pro Clipper 18-Piece Clipper Set

Wahl 9288-400 Comb N Cut
-Simply comb through the hair until enough is cut-impossible to make a mistake.
-Sleek, ergonomic look design fits comfortably in hand for easy maneuverability.
AS SEEN ON TV The Mistake Free Solution for a well groomed look. Use as often as needed to maintain that "just-cut" look for months. Trueguard(TM) Blade Technology- blends, tapers and shapes for a smooth even style every time. The Trueguard (TM) blades feature a new design to allow gradual cutting and trimming.

Haircutting Capes
CRICKET® Critters Cape For Kids
KIDDIE KAPE by Betty Dain

Do you have a haircutting question or tip? Email it to us!

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