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February 22, 2025

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Successful VBAC story... with a scare!


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I wanted a September baby, and I guess that's what she wanted too! At 12:30 am on September 1st, I began feeling contractions. I wasn't sure if they were more Braxton hicks, since I had been having a lot of those, so I went to bed. I woke two minutes before the alarm went off the next morning having a pretty strong contraction. I woke my husband for work, and he phoned my mom to come over to watch our son and stay with me until I knew for sure if this was it. An hour later, I was pretty sure this was it, and my husband called in to work too. By 8:30 they were about 3-6 minutes apart and we were off!

Once we were checked in and they checked me, I was 3cm, station -2 and 50% effaced. I was going to try and hang in there no meds as long as I could, I didn't want to slow things down. Finally I got to the point where I decided that it was time to try the epidural. I was only 4cm's and I figured I had hours to go. I got the EPI at about 2pm, and at 3 all went wild! The monitors were going off, alarms were sounding and everyone was running in the room. Amanda's heart rate had fallen very low.

They rushed me into the OR, and said that if Mandy's heart rate was ok, they would look and see what was happening, if not, and emergency section. They were afraid that my uterus may have ruptured from my previous section. Well, thank the Lord, Mandy was fine, and they had time to check things out. I was 8cm's now and no rupture. I had gone from 4-8cm's in an hour or so. They watched a while longer there before moving me back into the regular L&D room.

Once there, we discovered that the EPI had been disconnected and left off. Well, actually, I discovered it... the freezing had completely worn off. They had to get permission from the doctor to re-administer another boost shot. By the time they did that, I was almost fully dilated and ready to push. I started pushing at 5:25, by 5:55, it was time for the doctor to be there. My husband, who by the way, was absolutely amazing throughout this whole thing, watched as the whole delivery happened and Amanda was working her way into the world. I pushed after the doctor was there, then they had to cut the cord as soon as her head was out, the cord was around her neck. Another couple minutes and she was out! So, all in all, it was an exciting day for us, not quite an uneventful delivery, but well worth it in the end. :)

Daddy cut the cord, Mandy was cleaned off and within 5 minutes she was breastfeeding like a pro! When we left the hospital, she had only lost 4 ounces, which is less than half of what they allow! That, the nurse said, means that she is feeding really well.

I would like to take this opportunity to Thank all my online friends who have been there throughout this pregnancy and say that it has been an absolutely unique experience to be able to share this with you! For those of you who have been around since I was pregnant with my son, isn't it amazing how time has flown and our children have grown!

Submitted by: Kelly
May 1, 2001


The Vbac Companion : The Expectant Mother's Guide to Vaginal Birth After Cesarean
by Diana Korte

According to medical journalist Diana Korte, vaginal births after cesarean, or VBACs (pronounced vee-backs), are occurring at a rate six times greater in the 1990s than they were in the previous decade, and with more support from those in the medical profession. This is good news for the many pregnant women who want a vaginal delivery after previously delivering babies by cesarean section. Also good news is The VBAC Companion, a clearly written and thorough guide to lead women step-by-step through the process of planning for a VBAC.

Korte, author of Every Woman's Body, gives firm reasons for VBACs--they are safer for both mother and baby--and backs them up with medical facts. Strong chapters on overcoming fear, planning your VBAC, finding VBAC-friendly doctors and hospitals, and experiencing a VBAC make this book invaluable. The appendices provide fascinating statistics about infant mortality rates and cesarean and VBAC rates around the world, as well as extensive listings of resources.

(January 1998)

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