Hope Chests
Building A Family Heritage and Preserving A Lifetime of Memories
Alyice Edrich
A Hope Chest was originally used as a dowry. It was property that a
woman owned and brought into her marriage. Some women could not find
a suitable husband, for various factors; therefore, the dowry was
used as a way of enticing a man into marriage.
The idea of a Hope Chest symbolizes so many hopes and dreams—to me.
It's about seeing the future unfolding before one's very eyes. It's
about preserving a lifetime of memories and building a family
legacy—a heritage.
A Hope Chest is really nothing more than a wooden chest, a closet, a
storage unit, or a large box full of items that have been collected
over time. But inside that object, is something much more
special—it's a place where one places all her treasures and dreams,
as she waits for life to unfold.
I would like for you (the parent) to close your eyes and think for a
moment. What would you like to see your child have as she (or he)
leaves your home and enters the world?
Now, imagine your child's reaction when she opens her Hope Chest and
begins placing those items—one by one—throughout her new home. Can
you see the memories she will have as she reflects on each item and
the time the two of your purchased that item? (That's a
total "Miracles on 34th Street" feeling.)
Hope Chests also offer a great way to teach your child to start her
life debt-free; because a lot of the necessities and/or knick knacks
will have already been purchased. Wouldn't it be nice if your child
could start collecting some of those things now, so that she does not
have to go into debt to acquire those things later?
Just think how less stressful your child's life with be if she could
find that perfect apartment and immediately begin to decorate it—to make
it feel like home?
There are many ways one can accumulate things for a Hope Chest:
Ask family members to share their treasures. Anything that holds a
special memory should be accompanied with a story/letter.
Purchase items while on vacation or attend auctions and rummage sales
Ask friends and family members to purchase things that your child
would one-day want to own in her own home.
As your child begins to work, she can purchase the smaller ticketed
items and place them into storage.
You can also save for the larger ticketed items in a special "move
out" savings account.
The important thing to keep in mind, is that a Hope Chest is much
like a treasure chest... to be filled with things one will hold dear
for the rest of her life. Each item should symbolize a special
moment, place, or time in your child's life, or the life of the
©Alyice Edrich 2003
About the Author:
Alyice Edrich lives in Wisconsin with her two children and husband of
12 years. She is a freelance writer, web designer, and Editor-in-Chief for The Dabbling Mum.com - - An Online Magazine for BUSY
http://thedabblingmum.com |

& Chests: How to Make and Decorate 15 Traditional Country Projects
by Alan Bridgewater, Gill Bridgewater