Craft Fun for the Whole Family!

Oh those rainy days…
Kids going bonkers, and your last nerve is hanging right on your sleeve for anyone to grab.
Don’t despair!


There are fun craft ideas all over your home, and you can settle those kids down in the blink of an eye! All of you can enjoy a fun craft time while the storm blows over and maybe even on any other day!
Creating crafts with your children doesn’t have to be elaborate or cost a pretty penny. You have items hidden here and there all over your home.
For example, don’t throw those empty toilet paper or paper towel tubes away. They can be made into binoculars, telescopes or microphones. Keep the empty Jell-o boxes and grab a few pop sickle sticks to make maracas with macaroni noodles. There’s also the old faithful colored construction paper! There’s many an idea for hours of fun there!
Go to a local discount store and purchase an inexpensive "rainy day" container with a lid. You can keep this stored in a closet for a rainy day or any old day you and the kiddos want to be creative. Fill the container with the empty paper towel and toilet paper holders, scrap wrapping paper of all colors, crayons, chalk, markers, glue sticks, colorful yarn, beads, small boxes, pop sickle sticks, finger paints and brushes and sponges… the list in endless!

After hours of fun, display the artwork proudly! Then do it all over again!

Amy H.

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