You've organized the pictures, you've bought some
acid-free paper and even some other goodies, now what? Well, as you know,
the next step is to get
your precious photos on that paper and into your album. No one will be
able to enjoy the great moments you captured on film if you don't get
started today!
But, no matter how convincing I am trying to sound,
I know the reality is that sometimes it is just too
hard to get going on our scrapbooking. I also know
that the majority of scrapbookers are mothers, who
must take care of the needs and wants of their
children, and take care of a home. With cooking,
cleaning, and in some cases, work outside of the
home, how are you to find the time? In this article, I
hope to help you find that time so that you can make
progress in your scrapbooking.
To-Do Lists
"To-Do" Lists are one way to remind yourself to spend
some time scrapping. With "To-Do" Lists, you develop
a list everyday that has all the things you need or want
to get done. I suggest starting off with the tasks that
are most important. Chances are that with all the things
you have to get done, scrapbooking won't be at the top
of your list, but make sure you get it on there somewhere.
Also, be sure to be specific about what you want to get
done with your scrapbooking that day. For example, if
you have been working on a specific layout, make a goal
to get it done. As you work down your list, cross off each
task that you have completed. Imagine the satisfaction
you will feel when you have completed your "have-to's"
and now you get to spend sometime on your scrapbooks!
Same Time, Same Place
Some scrappers have found that they can get the most
done with their scrapbooking when they scrap at the same
time of day, everyday. This time is different for everyone.
Mothers with small children in the home, may find using
the time they have during naps or after the children are in
bed for the night, the best time to scrap. Others who have
children in school during the day will find that to be the best
time. Consider the following when deciding when the best
time is for you to schedule your scrapping time:
Can I scrap well with my children around?
When do I usually enjoy my leisure activities?
Do I scrap better during long scrapping sessions or
small blocks of time?
Answering these questions will help you to determine
when scrapping will best fit into your schedule.
Me, my TV, and my scrapbooks!
Another idea for finding the time is to plan your
scrapbooking during a favorite television show. Let's say
you love to watch the hour long drama "E.R." on NBC
every week. Make a pact with yourself that you will not
allow yourself to sit and watch "E.R." unless you are
scrapping at the same time. What a great incentive! The
best part is that if you do no other scrapping all week,
you can rest assured you are making so me progress because you will get something done during that favorite
TV show!
Your Own Scrapbook Area
While a room designated to just scrapbook supplies is
many scrapper's dream, I don't mean necessarily a
whole room, but how about a table or desk, just for your
scrapping? If possible, find an area of your home that you
can set up and leave all your scrapbooking supplies at it.
If you have a place that everything is ready at all the time,
you are more likely to work on your scrapbooks. If you have
to lug out all your pictures, albums and supplies every time,
you might find your scrapbooking hobby to be a hassle and
that is definitely not a good thing!
Scrapping Sessions
One of the best ways I have found to really get some
scrapping done is to plan cropping sessions with a
friend or two. When I make plans with someone else,
I will follow through, but when it is only me, I tend to
let other things get in the way. So, find a friend that
enjoys scrapbooking -- all you really need it just one
other person, but sometimes the more the merrier!
Then schedule the best time for your scrapping -- once
a week during lunch is something that I enjoy. You may
even want to consider starting a scrapping group where
you have set meeting times and days. I finished well over
100 pages in just one summer by planning crop get-togethers
with a good friend.
Don't know anyone in your area that scrapbooks? If you
have internet access (and chances are you do if you are
reading this) then go to a scrapbooking bulletin board and
post a message about where you live and what you are
looking for. If you don't have internet access, visit your local
scrapbook store and ask the clerk if they have classes or
crops in their store - this is a great way to meet others.
©1998 Brandie Valenzuela